男女之間 - 額外成就感(三)
1 . I an no match for you at running.在賽跑方面我不是你的對手。
2 . The film touched our hearts.那部影片打動了我們。
3 . He is a man of heart.他是一個熱血男兒。
4 . He forgave me for losing his notebook.他原諒我遺失他的筆記本。
5 . I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was not chosen.我沒有勇氣告訴她說她沒有入選。
6 . Tom doesn't have a steady girlfriend at the moment.湯姆眼下還沒有一個已確定關係的情侶。
7 . Money is everything to him.錢對他而言是最重要的東西。
8 . This tie is a good match for your suit.這條領帶和你的西裝搭配得很好。
9 . She made a good match when she married him.她嫁給了他,成就了美好姻緣。
10 . She is making steady progress in her learning.她在學習中不斷進步。