學校生活 - 活到老學到老(四)
1 . She won the first place in a speech contest.她在演講比賽中獲得很第一名。
2 . What do you call this in English?這個用英語怎麼說?
3 . What's the book about?這些書寫什麼?
4 . He took French leave.他不辭而別。
5 . She is giving me piano lessons in exchange for her English classes.我教她英語,她教我彈鋼琴。
6 . Where di you go to high school?你在哪兒上高中?
7 . She was kicked out of the university.她被大學開除了。
8 . I don't want to cut class.我不想逃學。
9 . I'm taking 19 credit hours.我修了十九個學分。
10 . Have you ever studied French?你學過法語嗎?