1 . His visit was well timed.他的訪問正合時宜。
2 . You can forget that!你別想了吧!
3 . Music can enrich your whole life.音樂可以使你一輩子的生活豐富多彩。
4 . How did you like last night's party?喜歡昨晚的聚會嗎?
5 . As soon as I get to Guangzhou, I'll drop you a line.我一到達廣州,就給你寫信。
6 . He gave a lecture on agriculture.他作了一個關於農業的講座。
7 . You don't stand a chance of getting the job!你是沒有機會得到這個工作的。
8 . The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreigh language.一個人學外語的動力越強大、學得就越快。
9 . I bought the car on Paul's recommendation.根據保羅的推薦我買了這輛車。
10 . On coming home, he switched on the television.他一到家就打開了電視。