工作 - 人的生命和活力之源(八)
1 . He is in conference right now.他現在在開會。
2 . I'll get through this work by noon.我會在中午以前完成這項工作。
3 . He is working like a horse.他努力工作。
4 . Do I have to get it done by noon?我必須在中午以前做完嗎?
5 . We have to talk the matter over now.我們必須討論一下這件事。
6 . This situation permits no delay.在這種情況下,不允許有任何拖延。
7 . I want to get my work finished by tomorrow.我想在明天前完成工作。
8 . I must meet the deadline.我必須趕上最後期限。
9 . I'm so busy that I don't get around to it.我忙得找不出時間去做它。
10 . I'm behind in my work.我的工作進度落後了。
11 . What makes you work so hard?什麼使你這樣賣命?