1 . Through thick and thin, they have always been my precious team mates, advisers, and above all, friends.我們同甘共苦,親如夥伴,他們是我的軍師,更是我的朋友。
2 . I want to take this opportunity to thank them all.我想借這個機會向他們表示感謝。
3 . I think I happen to represent them in accepting this award.而我是碰巧來代表他們接受這個獎的。
4 . I'll be trying my best to contribute to further growth of our company.我將竭盡自己之所能為公司的發展貢獻力量。
5 . I have been selected as this year's recipient of the Award for Outstanding Performance.我成為了今年的傑出表現獎的獲獎人。
6 . Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, and all the distinguished guests.主席先生,女生們先生們,各位貴賓們。
7 . And want to share with them the pleasure and honor of receiving this award.並與他們分享這次得獎的喜悅與榮耀。
8 . In face, I am still not sure if I really deserve this honor.事實上,我還是不敢確信我是否真的堪當這個獎賞。
9 . When I was informed of the announcement of my nomination.當獲知我已被提名時。
10 . I couldn't believe my ears.我真的不敢相信。
11 . Because I know many of my colleagues who work harder even with a greater dedication than I do.因為我有很多的同事工作得更努力,做出一貢獻更大。
12 . I cannot believe that.我還是不敢相信。
13 . I believe they also deserve this award.我認為他們也有資格獲得這一獎項。
14 . Thank you very much.非常感謝大家。