在美國做生意 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . Where are your manners?你的規矩哪裡去了?
2 . I consider him a genius.我認為他是天才。
3 . I consider him my best friend.我將他視為我最好的朋友。
4 . It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.這是一項極度困難的危險的工作。
5 . He considers himself intelligent.他認為自己很聰明。
6 . Mind your manners.注意你的行為舉止。
7 . It's extremely good of you to do this for me.你幫我做了這件事,真是太好了。
8 . The news was announced to the public on TV.這則消息經由電視向大眾宣佈。
9 . The government announced its new economic policies.政府發佈了新的經濟政策。
10 . I made an appointment with the doctor at three.我和醫生約好3點鐘看病。
11 . He cancelled his appointment.他取消約會了。