工作 - 額外成就感(四)
1 . This sentence doesn't make any sense.這個句子完全講不通。
2 . He is working on a book about the Vietnam War.他正在寫一本關於越戰的書。
3 . I don't completely agree with you, but I get the point.我不完全同意你,但是我明白了你的意思。
4 . What you say makes no sense.你說的話毫無道理。
5 . Keep out of what doesn't concern you.不關你的事不要插手。
6 . She is upset about you.她在生你的氣。
7 . After the marathon, most of the competitors looked all in.跑完馬拉松,大多數參加比賽的人顯得疲勞不堪。
8 . We're working on a solution right now.我們眼下正在籌劃解決方法。
9 . You've got a point there.你這話有道理。
10 . Nothing remains to be said.現在已經沒什麼好說的了。
11 . I kept out of their quarrel.我不介入他們的爭吵。