建議與忠告英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語建議與忠告對白,建議與忠告英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Why not start again and use the right tools for the job?為什麼不重新開始,試試用合適的工具來做呢?

2 . I've been doing this job for 25 years, and I tell you you're going to stuff it up doing things this way.我幹了這工作已有25年了,告訴你,你這樣做事情,會把事情辦糟的。

3 . Come and see me later and I'll give you some advice.稍後來見我,我給你一些建議。

4 . I suggest you give her a call straight away.我建議你立即打個電話給她。

5 . As I told you before, my door is always open.正如我以前跟你說的一樣,我們的門永遠都是敞開的。

6 . May I make a suggestion?我可以提個建議嗎?

7 . I think you should take the highway all the way, and I'd advise you to avoid stopping to go sight-seeing.我認為你最好全程走高速公路,而且我建議你不要停下來看風景。

8 . Advice doesn't normally come cheap, but this piece is for free...通常來說,忠告都是價值不菲的,但這個是免費贈送的。。。

9 . I think you could use super glue to fix this cup.我認為你可以用強力膠來修補這杯子。

10 . Well, we all go through this at some stage of life, some of us buy a wig and some of us just stay bald.我們全部會在生命中的某個時期經歷脫髮這種事,有些人會去買假髮,有些人則會留個光頭。

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瘋狂英語 900 句