探討中美貿易磨擦 - 額外成就感
1 . I would like to improve my English pronunciation.我想改善我的英語發音。
2 . We communicate with each other by letter.我們用書信彼此聯繫。
3 . The Post Office aims to improve its quality of service.郵局銳意改善服務質量。
4 . He did not win, but at least he made the effort.他雖然沒有獲勝,但至少已經盡了努力。
5 . If she is stupid, she's at any rate pleasant to look at.如果說她頭腦不靈,她這人至少容貌不錯。
6 . This method should be widely promoted.這種方法應該推廣。
7 . The price has been consistently maintained.價格始終保持穩定。
8 . Please make an effort to arrive early.請爭取早點來。
9 . At any rate, we must go there.不管怎麼樣,我們非去那裡一趟不可。
10 . The club will now hear this member's proposal.俱樂部將聽取這個成員的揭底。
11 . Food is necessary to maintain life.食物是維持生命所必須的。
12 . They had no way to communicate directly with Kurt.他們無法和庫爾特直接聯繫。