1 . One usually pricks up one's ears when his name is called.人在被叫到自己的名字時,通常要側耳傾聽。
2 . A person must strain one's ears to hear a wild animal in the forest.在森林裡,人類必須對野獸豎起耳朵才行。
3 . By accident Marion overheard some nasty gossip.馬裡恩偶然聽到了一些令人不愉快的謠言。
4 . I cannot hear the tape.這卷錄音帶什麼都聽不到。
5 . We must listen carefully to the teacher.我們必須注意聽老師說的話。
6 . It is not polite to eavesdrop on the conversation of other people.偷聽他人說話是很不禮貌的。
7 . She wishes to hear from her friend.她希望收到朋友的來信。
8 . Is it illegal to tap a telephone for the purpose of secretly recording a conversation?為了秘密地錄下談話,在電話內裝置竊聽器是違法的行為嗎?
9 . Joseph likes to listen to music.約瑟夫喜歡聽音樂。