文化經濟交流 - 探討中美貿易磨擦英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語文化經濟交流 - 探討中美貿易磨擦對白,文化經濟交流 - 探討中美貿易磨擦英文怎麽說



文化經濟交流 - 探討中美貿易磨擦用英語怎麽說


文化經濟交流 - 探討中美貿易磨擦

1 . At any rate, our country and the United States need each other.總而言之,我國與美國相互需要。

2 . First, we need to more public relations activities to promote understanding.首先,我們應該更多地做公關活動以促進瞭解。

3 . Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse.當前美國與我國間的貿易不平衡問題正日益惡化。

4 . Second, we have to make an effort to encourage American companies to do business in our country.第二,我們必須鼓勵美國公司在我國開展業務。

5 . We should revise our protectionist practices in trade, and promote free trade and competition.我們應該修改我們的貿易保護主義做法,推廣自由貿易和競爭。

6 . Because some of their criticisms are based on misconceptions about our country.因為他們對我們的一些批評主要是基於對我們國家的誤解。

7 . We have to maintain communication to understand each other.必須保持交流以求相互理解。

8 . I'd like to make a couple of proposals to improve the whole situation.為了改善整個局面,我們提出若干建議。

9 . Because the United States is the most important trade partner.因為美國是我們最重要的貿易夥伴。

10 . We have to communicate with them more by sending lobbyists.我們必須通過派遣更多的公關人員。

11 . Producing more movies, publishing books, and so on.拍攝更多的電影,出版更多的書籍以與他們交流。

12 . We cannot leave this problem unattended.這一問題我們不能置之不理。

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