1 . It's the world's largest island, but it's also the world's smallest continent.它是世界上最大的島嶼,同時也是世界上最小的洲。
2 . Since English is not your native tongue.因為英語不是你的母語。
3 . If it sounds like an interesting place to visit, that's because it is.如果它聽起來像是個有趣的地方,那是因為它的確是這樣。
4 . It's about the size of the United States, but it has a population of only 16.5 million.它和美國一般大,但人口卻只有一千六百五十萬。
5 . Australia is a unique country.澳大利亞是世上獨一無二的國家。
6 . When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible.當你讀的時候,要盡量大聲、盡量清晰和盡量快速。
7 . You must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds.所以你必須訓練和發展你的發音器官(聲帶、舌、口、鼻腔等)的肌肉,以便發出陌生的(另外一種語言)聲音。
8 . In face, Australia is the only country that is also a continent.事實上,澳大利亞是唯一作為洲的國家。
9 . Tongue muscles'training is of great importance in learning any foreigh language.口腔肌肉訓練在學習任何語言時都是非常重要的。