求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(二)英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(二)對白,求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(二)英文怎麽說



求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(二)用英語怎麽說


求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(二)

1 . He should just about get by in the exam.他這次考試還能勉強及格。

2 . He emphasized that Marxism was scientific truth.他指出馬克思主義是科學的真理。

3 . He was ill at ease at her birthday party.他在她的生日宴聚會中心神不寧。

4 . He had insufficient sleep.他睡眼不足。

5 . He was ill at ease with people whom he didn't understand.他和不熟悉的人在一起感到不自在。

6 . She treated me with indifference.她對我很冷淡。

7 . How does she get by on such a small salary?她靠那麼一點薪水怎麼過生活?

8 . He appeared ill at ease at the party.他在宴會上顯得很拘謹。

9 . He emphasized the importance of being honest.他強調誠實的重要性。

10 . The salary is insufficient for our life.這份薪水不夠我們生活。

11 . Your work will get by, but try to improve it.你的工作還過得去,不過還得努力改進一下。

12 . The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.該案因證據不足而撤消。

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