1 . We need it in our office by next Monday.下星期一以前要送到我們公司。
2 . I think you were a little too high on some of the items.我想你們有幾個項目的價格高了一點。
3 . We'll be taking quotations next month.我們將在下個月接受報價。
4 . Will you let us have the specifications?規格說明書可以給我們嗎。
5 . Sure, just drop in my office some time and pick them up.沒問題,什麼時候到我辦公室來拿都可以。
6 . You're perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid.我們很歡迎你來查閱得標者。
7 . Good.we can't extend the deadline.那好,我們可不能延期的。
8 . We'd like a chance to bid on this business.我們希望能有機會投標這筆生意。
9 . On which ones?哪幾個品目呢,
10 . Can you tell me why our bid was not accepted?請告訴我為什麼我們沒有得標好嗎?
11 . I think we'll able to make that.我想沒問題。
12 . What is the deadline for submitting the quotation?報價截止日是哪一天?