1 . Having this new branch means a great deal to the economy of both countries.這家分行的建立將對兩國的經濟交流起到很大的作用。
2 . I hope you will be able to do a good business with the Chinese as well as customers of other countries.我希望你們能夠和包括中國在內的各國客戶做成交易。
3 . And happy to know that the Bank of America has opened another branch in Shanghai.並且很高興地瞭解到美國銀行在上海又建立了一家分行。
4 . As relationships between the People's Republic of China and the United States strengthen more and more today.隨著當今中美兩國關係的不斷加強。
5 . Congratulations on the completion and opening of a new Beijing branch!祝賀美國銀行北京分行的建成和開業!
6 . And good luck to this wonderful new branch.我祝願這家新分行好運。
7 . I am very much thrilled to see this luxurious office.看到這樣一個高層次的分支機構我感到很激動。