尋找成就感 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week.他們用一周的時間教速成英語課程。
2 . She won a scholarship to the state university.她獲得就讀洲立大學的獎學金。
3 . He concentrated solely on law studies.他把全部精力只用於攻讀法律。
4 . I am very content with my life at present.我很滿足目前的生活。
5 . She seems fond of him.她似乎喜歡他。
6 . You'll solve the problem if you concentrate upon it.如果全神貫注,你就會解決這個問題。
7 . It's quite an intersive few days.那幾天可真緊張。
8 . We are looking forward to seeing you again.我們非常盼望再見到你。
9 . Have you ever seen anyone so fond of dancing.你見過有誰愛跳舞嗎?
10 . I came to Harvard on a scholarship.我是靠獎學金來哈佛大學求學的。
11 . He was content that the thing had happened.這事終於發生了,對此他是滿意的。