1 . And I hope you can have a good time tonight.祝願你們今晚過得愉快。
2 . We really appreciate your being our partners.我們真誠地感謝你們成為我們的客戶。
3 . That is why we have asked you to come tonight.這也就是我們今晚請你們來的原因。
4 . One thing, however, that we should not forget in doing business is to have a sense of appreciation.可是有一件事我們做生意時不能忘,就是保持一份感恩的心情。
5 . Having a sense of appreciation for all the people will keep us going on in business.對所有人都抱一份感恩的心情會使我們的生意長盛不衰。
6 . As you all know, doing business is not an easy thing to do.大家都知道,做生意並不是一件容易的事。
7 . To show our gratitude to all of you for being our reliable business partners.為表達我們對你們——我們值得信賴的生意夥伴的感謝。
8 . Some do it for an endless pursuit of profit, and others, for the sake of the well-being of the society.有人做生意是為了無止境的追求利潤,有的人是為了社會的繁榮。
9 . There may be different ways of doing business.有很多不同的方式。
10 . A sense of regret or resentment will not help us in any way.後悔和怨恨不會給我們任何幫助。
11 . We have asked you to come to our Thank you Party today.我們邀請你們參加我們今天的「感恩會」。