1 . The many children of that family used to play together for hours.那一家的孩子們常常大夥一起玩上幾個小時。
2 . Children quarrels are soon forgotten.孩子們的吵架很快就會被忘記。
3 . Each person follows his own interests.人人都追求自己的利益。
4 . The times of comradeship in sports and play are full of meaning.這個通過運動或遊戲培養友情的時代,是極有意義的。
5 . He was lucky to have a good home in which to grow up.他幸運地生長在良好的家庭裡。
6 . School should be a time for learning.學生時代,應該學習許多重要的事情。
7 . No one can remember what it is like to be born.沒有人能夠記得誕生時的樣子。
8 . All your life you make many friends.一生能結交許多的朋友。
9 . The little boy left home for his first day at school.那個小孩第一天離開家去上學。