Intelligence And Education(智慧與教育)英語對話,天天一起練口語,英語Intelligence And Education(智慧與教育)對白,Intelligence And Education(智慧與教育)英文怎麽說



Intelligence And Education(智慧與教育)用英語怎麽說


Intelligence And Education(智慧與教育)

1 . To learn about words in dictionary用詞典學習單詞

2 . To type a term paper用打字機打期末報告

3 . To teach how to drive a car教人駕駛汽車

4 . To conduct an orchestra指揮交響樂

5 . She is singing in practice.她在練習唱歌。

6 . The man is a piano accompanist.這個人是鋼琴伴奏者。

7 . The man is a space scientist.這個人是太空科學家。

8 . Violinist小提琴演奏家

9 . The author of these books is a great writer.這些書的作者是位偉大的作家。

10 . To live in the library過著研究的生活

11 . Teacher. He is teaching.老師。正在教書。

12 . He studied quite a lot.他非常用功。

13 . The target shooting requires the power of concentration.射擊需要集中精神。

14 . Great painter偉大的畫家

15 . He has majored in biology.他專供生物學。

16 . He is studying the ecology of ameba.他在研究阿米巴

17 . Pupil. He is studying.學生。正在學習。

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