瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Are you good at taking photos?你拍照拍得好嗎?
2 . Did you know I can type almost 60 words per minuter?你知道嗎,我能每分鐘打60個字。
3 . I can't run as fast as you, but I can jump a lot higher.我跑得比你慢,但跳得比你高。
4 . I'm not only willing to help, I'm willing and able.我不但示意幫忙,而且能夠幫上忙。
5 . I don't know how to drive I'm afraid.恐怕我不懂得怎樣開車。
6 . During your computer classes, did they teach you how to fix a cooling fan?在你的電腦課程,他們是否教過你如何修理散熱風扇?
7 . So, if you get this job, what abilities can you offer the company?你如果得到這份工作,你能向公司提供什麼才幹?
8 . Look, can you handle this job or not?考慮一下,你是否能勝任這份工作?
9 . You don't need to call a plumber, I can fix the sink.你不必請水管工人了,我會修水槽。
10 . I can't drop the price any further, the owner doesn't allow it.我不能再進一步砍價了,賣主不肯讓步。