自我介紹 - 新來員工表謙虛(一)
1 . I hope that I can make a worthwhile contribution to the efforts of this group.我希望能對這個團體努力的成果提供有價值的貢獻。
2 . I've asked Mr. Lee for his guidance in conducting myself here.我讓李先生指導我在這裡如何立身處世。
3 . My biggest problem so far has been trying to remember everybody's name.迄今為止我最大的問題就是盡量記住每個人的名字
4 . I won't embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by another's name.我不想因為張冠李戴使自己難堪。
5 . I will happily admit that I am as nervous as a cat on a hot roof.我承認現在我非常緊張,像熱鍋上的螞蟻一樣。
6 . I've studied the reports of past meetings.我學習了以往的會議記錄。
7 . Now that I have to stand up to introduce myself.我不得不站起來介紹一下我自己。
8 . Being the newest member of this committee is really difficult.能成為這個集體的新成員是很難的。
9 . Thank you for your attention.謝謝大家專心聆聽。