1 . I'm looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair.我在找適合油性頭髮的洗髮水和護髮素。
2 . Does this store sell bubble bath?這家店裡賣泡沫浴液嗎?
3 . Where can I find the stick deodorant?我在哪能買到棒狀除臭劑?
4 . Excuse me, where can I find the shoe polish?問一下,我到哪兒能買到鞋油?
5 . I need a new supply of razors and shaving cream.我需要新的剃鬚刀和剃鬚膏。
6 . I need a new toothbrush. My old one's worn out.我需要一支新牙刷。舊的用壞了。
7 . We need to do lots of laundry. Do we have enough detergent?咱們得洗好多衣服呢。有足夠多的洗滌劑嗎?
8 . In what section can I find mouthwash?我在哪個購物區能找到漱口水呢?
9 . Do you have smokers' toothpaste?你這兒有吸煙者用的牙膏嗎?
10 . We're out of toilet paper again. Let's buy some more rolls.咱們又沒衛生紙了。再多買幾卷吧。