征求別人意見英語對話,英語 900 句(英音版),英語征求別人意見對白,征求別人意見英文怎麽說




英語 900 句(英音版)


1 . Why Mr. Cooper so tired?Do you have any idea?為什麼庫珀先生這樣疲倦的?你有想法嗎?

2 . I think you have very attractive children.我認為你有很吸引人的孩子。

3 . In my opinion,that's an excellent idea.按照我的意見,那是一個極好的想法。

4 . I like hot weather best.我最喜歡熱天氣。

5 . Cetainly.You're absolutely right about that.當然,關於那你是絕對正確的

6 . Of course I want to know what your opinion is.當然我想要知道你的意見是什麼。

7 . Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?你認為明天將下雨嗎?

8 . Do you really want to know what I think?你確實想要知道我認為什麼嗎?

9 . I don't know whether it will rain or not.我不知道是否將下雨。

10 . What do you think?Is that right?你認為什麼?那是正確的?

11 . What do you think of my children?你認為我的孩子怎麼樣?

12 . I think you're mistaken about that.我認為你關於那是錯的。

13 . Personally,I prefer winter weather.個人而言,我比較喜歡冬季天氣。

14 . Please give me your frank opinion.請給我你坦率的意見。

15 . He's tired because he worked hard all day today.他疲倦是因為他今天整天努力工作。

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英語 900 句(英音版)