Rumors Fly(謠言滿天飛)
1 . Somebody said she's not.有人說她還是小姑獨處哪。
2 . They say everything.他們什麼事都說。
3 . They say there's a traffic accident in front of us.據說在我們前方發生了車禍。
4 . But the yesterday's forecast reported it'd be fine.不過,昨天的預報說是會放晴的。
5 . We'd better not go out tomorrow, son.孩子,我們明天最好不要出去。
6 . Everybody talks about me.大家都在談論著我。
7 . Rumor says I won't get any insurance.根據傳聞,我無法領到保險金了。
8 . Is it true, darling?這是真的嗎,親愛的?
9 . John had a rough time last night.約翰昨晚好像挺轟轟烈烈的樣子。
10 . In fifty years there'll be twenty people per square yard, it is written here.這裡寫著,再過五十年每平方碼將要住著20人的人口密度。
11 . No, I heard she's married with two kids.不,我聽說她已使君有夫,還有兩個孩子。
12 . According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will be partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.根據天氣預報,洛杉磯明天將是陰天偶雨居多。
13 . The fallout will probably infect millions.輻射塵可能對數百萬人造成影響。