Unit 14 Mainly revision英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 14 Mainly revision對白,Unit 14 Mainly revision英文怎麽說



Unit 14 Mainly revision用英語怎麽說


Unit 14 Mainly revision

1 . They help their parents to open their stockings, too.他們還幫助父母打開他們的襪子。

2 . What do you think?你認為怎麼樣?

3 . They lived there before they came to China.在他們來中國前。

4 . Mr. And Mrs. Green have stockings, too.格林先生和格林夫人也有長統襪。

5 . Of course, Father Christmas isn't real.當然,聖誕老人並不是真的。

6 . Of course. They lived there.當然了。他們曾經住在那兒。

7 . They say. So they still have them.他們說。所以他們依然有聖誕襪。

8 . The children are no longer young, and they know who Father Christmas really is.孩子們不小了,他們知道真正的「聖誕老人」是誰。

9 . Christmas Day always begins before breakfast.聖誕節活動總是在早餐前就開始了。

10 . Mr. Green doesn't climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep.格林先生不從煙囪上爬下來,他等候孩子們都睡熟。

11 . But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.但他們仍然把自己的長統襪掛在床腳邊。

12 . What does Christmas mean? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ.聖誕節是什麼意思?聖誕節就是耶穌基督誕生的日子。

13 . Of course, everyone likes presents.當然,每一個人都喜歡禮物。

14 . On Christmas Eve the night before Christmas Day children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.在聖誕節前夜聖誕節前一天夜裡全英國的孩子們在睡覺前,都把他們的長統襪掛在床腳邊。

15 . Yes, I think they'll return next month.是的,我想他們下個月回來。

16 . They put small presents in each other's stockings.他們把小禮物裝進對方的長統襪裡。

17 . You're never too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking.「你永遠不會老到不能享受聖誕襪的樂趣,」

18 . Then they wake up their parents, calling: Merry Christmas!然後去吵醒他們的父母親,對他們說「聖誕快樂!」

19 . He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.他給每一隻長統襪裝上聖誕禮物。

20 . Where have Jim and Kate gone?吉姆和凱特去哪兒了?

21 . Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.他們的父親通常告訴他們,夜間聖誕老人會來的。

22 . Have they ever been there before?他們以前去過那兒嗎?

23 . The children wake up very early, and can't wait to open the presents in their stockings.孩子們醒得很早,迫不及待地打開襪子裡的禮物。

24 . He lands on top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace.他降落在每一家的房頂,順著煙囪爬進壁爐。

25 . They've gone to London.他們去倫敦了。

26 . So today, people still do the same thing to each other.所以,今天人們還在互相做同樣的事情。

27 . When Christ was born nearly two thousand years ago, many people, rich and poor, gave him presents.大約2000年前基督出生時,許多人,不論窮富,都給他禮物。

28 . Are they going to return soon?他們很快就回來嗎?

29 . Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms, and fills their stockings with small presents.然後他悄悄地走進他們的臥室,給他們的長統襪裝上小禮物。

30 . But Mr. Green says: It is better to give than to receive.「給予比接受好。」

31 . When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat. But he doesn't do that now.在他們很小時,有時候格林先生穿上一件紅色的外套。但他現在不那麼做了。

32 . When did they live there?他們什麼時候住在那兒?

33 . Father Christmas is very kind-hearted.聖誕老人心腸很好。

34 . In Jim and Kate's house, Father Christmas is really Mr. Green.在吉姆和凱特家裡,「聖誕老人」實際上就是格林先生。

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