1 . No, You'll have to get off at the bank and take the A52.不去。你到銀行那一站就得下車,改乘A52路的。
2 . How long does it take to get there?到那裡要多少時間?
3 . Does this bus go to the beach?這輛公共汽車去海濱嗎?
4 . Does this bus go to the train station?這輛公共汽車去火車站嗎?
5 . No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there.不去,最遠只到正街。不過你可以到那裡再乘31路。
6 . Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard?這是去太平洋大道的車嗎?
7 . It only takes a few minutes.只要幾分鐘而已。
8 . No. You're going the wrong way. You want the Number 11. It stops in front of the post office.不去。你乘錯車了。你要乘11路。它在郵局門前停站。
9 . Is this the bus for Park Ridge?這輛公共汽車是去派克嶺的嗎?
10 . Is it a long ride?要坐很久嗎?
11 . No. You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at the next stop.不是。你該乘黃線車才是。到下一站你可以搭上。
12 . About how long does it take?大約要坐多久?