I Guess(推測)
1 . What can it be?它是什麼呢?
2 . This will be the biggest fish ever.這是前所未見的大魚吧?
3 . I imagine it was part of a dinosaur.我猜那是恐龍的一部分骨骼。
4 . I suppose it might be gold.說不定是金子啊。
5 . I expected No.2 to win.我以為2號會贏。
6 . Guess! I hope you'll like it.猜猜看!我想你會中意的。
7 . I'm afraid the crash was because of your fault.抱歉,我怕這次墜毀是你弄砸的緣故。
8 . No, it can't be gold.不,它不可能是金子。
9 . I guess you're right. It seems I'll be grounded.我想你說得對,我看我該轉到地勤了。
10 . I hope I'll get a big pay raise.但願薪水大大提高一下。