Unit 23 The football match英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 23 The football match對白,Unit 23 The football match英文怎麽說



Unit 23 The football match用英語怎麽說


Unit 23 The football match

1 . Neither, thanks. I think I'll just have a glass of water.那個都行。我想還是來一杯水吧。

2 . I'm watching the league match, of course!當然我要看聯賽。

3 . We did as he told us and we won the first place in the league at last!我們照他叮囑的做了,因而我們最終獲得了聯賽的冠軍!

4 . But your team is even stronger. I knew you would beat them because you had played so well in the league.可是你們的隊更強。我知道你們會打敗他們的,因為你們在聯賽中戰績很好。

5 . Really? They're rather a strong team, aren't they?是嗎?他們可是只強隊,不是嗎?

6 . I don't mind. Either time is OK.我不介意什麼時候。都行。

7 . Yes, wonderful, thanks.愉快極了,謝謝。

8 . When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow morning?我們什麼時間會面,今晚還是明天早晨?

9 . Yes. But it's such an important match, we can't miss it.是的。但是這是場很重要的比賽,我可不想錯過。

10 . We must thank Mr. Hu. He kept asking us to remember TEAMWORK.我們得感謝胡老師。他反覆告誡我們記住配合。

11 . Oh, I don't know. You decide!哦,我不知道,你來決定。

12 . Of course. When I got there, you had already started playing. So you didn't see me.當然啦。當我到那裡時,你們已經開始踢球了。因而你沒看見我。

13 . Of course, you are.你當然參加啦 。

14 . It wasn't easy to win the match. No. 64 Middle School is really a strong team.贏這場球不容易。第64中學的的確是一支強隊。

15 . Thank you. You watched the match, didn't you?謝謝你。你看了比賽,對吧?

16 . You're just in time for the football match.你正好趕上足球比賽。

17 . Hi, Li Lei! Nice to see you again!你好,李磊!又見到你了,真高興!

18 . Yes, it was a very good match.是啊,是場好球。

19 . Did you have a good journey?你旅途愉快嗎?

20 . Was it a good match?是場好球嗎?

21 . Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?你想來點什麼,一杯茶還是一杯牛奶?

22 . Hi, Bill! Congratulations!你好,比爾!祝賀你!

23 . Hi, Jim! It's a long time since we met last!你好,吉姆!從我們上次見面後已經很久了!

24 . Great. Am I playing?好極了。我參加嗎?

25 . What are you doing tomorrow?明天你幹什麼?

26 . Strong players, but a weak team.好球員,弱球隊。

27 . Well done! Does that mean that your team is top of the league?幹的好。就是說你們球隊是聯賽冠軍啦?

28 . I thought you wanted to visit your friends.我原以為你要去拜訪朋友。

29 . Who were you playing against?你們和誰踢?

30 . Well, which would you prefer?那麼,你覺得那個時間更好些呢?

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