Festivals and Events(節日與慶典)
1 . At twelve o'clock midnight people blow horns, yell, and kiss each other to welcome in the New Year.到了午夜十二點,大家都吹吹喇叭、高聲喊叫、相互接吻來慶祝新年。
2 . New year's Eve comes one week after Christmas.新年夜在聖誕節的一周後到來。
3 . Many people go to gay New Year parties.很多人都去參加新年派對。
4 . Christmas Day we have a large dinner with many different things to eat.在聖誕節晚餐,我們會吃很多不同的佳餚。
5 . People usually stay out very late on New Year's Eve.新年夜,人們通常都出去到很晚。
6 . Our family always has a traditional Christmas.我們家每年都要慶祝傳統性的聖誕節。
7 . My favorite holiday is Christmas.我喜歡的節日是聖誕節。
8 . We always open Christmas present on Christmas morning.我們通常在聖誕節早晨打開聖誕禮物。
9 . Mother begins baking cookies two weeks before Christmas.自聖誕節的兩周以前,母親就開始做小甜餅了。