文化經濟交流 - 使者和專家
1 . In the Spring and Autumn period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being.在春秋時代又出現了銅製和鐵製的筷子。
2 . For Chopsticks In Chinese is pronounced KuaiZi, which sounds like soon to get a son.因為筷子在漢語中讀作「Kuaizi」,聽起來很像「快得兒子」。
3 . The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade.第一批筷子是骨頭或玉製成的。
4 . Many foreign friends used chopsticks when they visited China.許多的外國朋友在訪問中國的時候都使用筷子。
5 . In ancient times the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.在古代,富人家用玉或金子製成筷子以顯示其家庭的富有。
6 . A foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historic souvenir.一名國外的外交人員就拿起他用過的筷子,用它作為具有歷史意義的紀念品。
7 . As soon as he left his table.他剛離開桌子。
8 . Many kings and emperors used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.許多帝王用銀製的筷子以檢查他們的食物中是否被人投了毒。
9 . Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides dowries.筷子在傳統上是被當作新娘的嫁妝。
10 . Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet in his honor.尼克松在為其到來而舉辦的歡迎宴會上也使用了筷子。
11 . Having their origins in China, chopsticks are used in many Asian countries.筷子起源於中國,現在很多的亞洲國家都使用它。