Is That(第三者的事)
1 . Didn't I tell you he's same size to me?我沒有說過他和我一樣大小嗎?
2 . They imagine, what he is doing.她們在猜他所做的事。
3 . What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天將是什麼樣的天氣呀?
4 . How do other racers feel?他的賽車同伴怎麼想?
5 . The mailbox is over there.郵筒就在那兒。
6 . Will our baby be a boy?我們的小寶寶是男孩嗎?
7 . Could you give me some comments?你有什麼感想嗎?
8 . I wonder what he's doing.我不知道他在做什麼。
9 . Is the plane leaving?飛機要起飛了嗎?
10 . Wasn't he a little bigger than you?他不是塊頭比你大一些嗎?
11 . You saw that movie, didn't you? Was it interesting?你看過這部電影了吧?精彩嗎?
12 . I think he's still in bed.我想,他還賴在床上。
13 . How much will the hospital bill be?住院費大概是多少錢?
14 . The dinner was superb. Who cooked it?菜太棒了!誰做的?你嗎?
15 . Don't you think she's cute?你不認為她很可愛嗎?
16 . Jenny, does she really live here?珍妮,你真的在邁阿密有母親嗎?
17 . What is your girlfriend's name?你女朋友的芳名是?
18 . What is he doing today?今天他在做些什麼?
19 . Who's the second?下一位是誰?
20 . Tell me where I can post them.請問,哪裡有投信的郵筒?
21 . Can I take my vacation, sir? I would like to see my mother in Miami.頭,我可以休假嗎?我要去探望在邁阿密的母親。
22 . Yes, but I don't want go downtown.是的,但是我不希望上街。
23 . How was it, sir?它好嗎?先生。
24 . Will she like it?她會喜歡它嗎?