1 . This is last order we will be placing for a while.這是最後一次下訂單,我們暫時不再訂貨了。
2 . We should be able to get that off to you right away.這樣的話,我們馬上就可以出貨
3 . Oh? Is there some trouble?哦,有什麼問題嗎?
4 . We'll let you know the next time we need to place an order.下次需要訂購時我們會通知你。
5 . Yes, here you go.喏,就是這個。
6 . If I place an order now, when would you be able to ship it?如果現在下單子,什麼時候可以出貨?
7 . No, we're just getting a lot of material stock piled.沒什麼問題,只庫存材料太多了。
8 . That all depends on the size of the order.這要訂購量的多寡。
9 . Let me know when you are ready to order again.那麼需要再訂貨時,請與我聯繫。
10 . It will be about the same as it was last time.大概和上回的訂量一樣。
11 . May I see it a moment?我看一下好嗎?
12 . We can handle an order that size very easily.這種量我們做起來很容易。
13 . Do you have anything like this in your stock?你們庫存中有像這樣的東西嗎?