1 . My mother can cook delicious Mexican food.我的母親燒得一手墨西哥的美味佳餚。
2 . Hotels in America don't usually serve dinner in the rooms.在美國的旅店裡,正餐通常是不送到房間裡。
3 . Sometimes I miss home cooking.我有時想念家鄉菜。
4 . There are many wild blackberry bushes along the road.路旁有許多野生的黑漿果灌木。
5 . Switzerland is famous for its milk and cheese.瑞士的牛奶和奶酪是非常出名的。
6 . Please don't snack; you will ruin your dinner.請別吃點心了,你會對正餐失去胃口的。
7 . Don't you think you've eaten enough?你不是吃的很多了嗎?
8 . What in the world are you eating?你到底在吃什麼?
9 . This restaurant serves spaghetti, but not pizza.這家餐廳做通心粉,但是沒有比薩餅。