1 . He didn't enjoy losing the game of chess.他因為下棋輸了而索然無味。
2 . The old lady takes delight in visits from her grandchildren.那個老婦人以孫輩門看她來為樂。
3 . Steve will certainly enjoy your company.史蒂夫一定高興跟你在一起。
4 . She always feels comfortable when surrounded by her family.她被家人圍繞時,常感到快慰。
5 . While Mike was an only child, he would amuse himself with his toys.麥克還在孩提時,常常獨自玩玩具取樂。
6 . Please try to be congenial and welcome the guests with a small.請用笑臉愉快地迎接客人吧。
7 . John always takes pleasure in leaving the city for a while.約翰常常以溜出城鎮一會兒為樂。
8 . At this moment, I feel agreeable to that.現在嘛,我不妨贊成它。
9 . Mother enjoys listening to that symphony.母親喜歡聽那首交響樂。