1 . I'd like something light, please.請給我一點清淡的東西吃。
2 . They have brought wine with them to the dinner party.他們為晚宴帶來了美酒。
3 . Is everyone going to come home for dinner?各位能回家吃飯嗎?
4 . What would you like to eat?你要吃些什麼?
5 . Carol would like to eat Italian pizza.卡羅爾喜歡吃意大利餡餅。
6 . Say, do you smell something burning in the kitchen?喏,你有沒有聞到廚房裡有燒焦的味道呀?
7 . I'm sorry the casserole has gotten over cooked.對不起,沙鍋給燉焦了。
8 . What's for dinner tonight?今天晚上吃什麼東西?
9 . Where shall we go to eat lunch today?我們該在哪兒吃中飯呢?