subring['sʌbriŋ]n. 子環;數子環
subring 子環;數子環;smallest subring 最小子環;lie subring 李子環;division subring 可除子環;
1.The present paper presents a short proof of the conjecture that a ring with a finite maximal subring is a finite ring. 給出猜測「包含有限極大子環的環是有限環」的一個簡短證明。
2.Caused by the stackhaving a high moisture comtent. and low humidity of the subring atmosphere . Moisture thus evaporate at the edge and shrink. 起因是紙堆的水份含量高,環境的空氣濕度低,紙邊水份揮發,因而收縮。
3.In this paper, we discuss the connection between the rigid graded selfduality over some noncommutative graded ring and the selfduality over its initial subring. 本文討論非交換分次環上的綱性分次自對偶與其初始子環上的自對偶之間的關係。