1 . Will you take that library book back for me?你能幫我把書還回圖書館嗎?
2 . Please speak more slowly.請說得慢一些。
3 . I wish you would write more clearly.我希望你能寫得明白些。
4 . Mr. Chairman, may I have the floor?主席,我可以發言嗎?
5 . Please send your report to me at the office by Monday.請於週一以前將報告送到我的辦公室。
6 . Shall we be on our way now?我們應該告辭了吧?
7 . She requests your presence at the conference.她懇求你們參加會議。
8 . I'd like to ask you just one question.恕我請教你一個問題。
9 . She wants me to come as often as possible.她希望我盡可能常來。