1 . Their son will start college in September.他們的兒子將於九月份開始上大學。
2 . I still have to fill 16 hours in my major.我必須重修主修科目16小時。
3 . There are three terms in a school year.一學年有三個學期。
4 . What courses will you be taking this semester?你本學期打算修什麼科目?
5 . For my math requirements, I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig.數學的必修學分預定選代數、微積分、三角法。
6 . The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp.若要從事中國文學,必須在一年級修文學與作文。
7 . Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science.除必修科目外,選修科目我選了實驗科學。
8 . I still need three more credits in Psych; maybe I'll take Ed Psych this term.心理學我還需要三個學分。或許我在本學期修教育心理學。
9 . He received full credit for his studies at a previous school.他在一所先前的學校取得了所有課程的學分。
10 . Three times a week I have to walk all the way to the gym for my Phys Ed class.一周有三次,我為了參加體育課而必須走路到體育館。