1 . You should be ashamed of your bad manners.你應該對自己的不禮貌感到羞恥。
2 . Won't you be embarrassed to leave the party early?你提早一點離開宴會也無妨吧?
3 . Jane blushed with pride.珍因為自傲而丟了醜。
4 . Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.他讚美著尼基的美貌,使她羞得面紅耳赤。
5 . The student felt very shy as he stood in front of the class.那個學生站在大家的跟前時,感到非常難為情。
6 . The proud man felt humbled by Karl's kindness.那個傲慢的男人為卡爾的和藹親切而自慚形愧。
7 . Jeff will lose face if his friend fails to work hard.傑夫因他的朋友不肯勤奮工作而丟了面子。
8 . She felt very awkward about the unpleasant situation.她因不愉快的場面而感到十分困窘。
9 . You will disgrace yourself if you dress in rags.假如你穿得邋邋遢遢的,你將有損自己的形象。