1 . I usually feel timid in the presence of very bright people.站在聰明人面前,我感到羞怯。
2 . Judy is so reserved that it is hard to understand her.朱迪非常內向而木訥,因而很難使人瞭解她。
3 . She feels shy about meeting Frank for the first time.她對於第一次和弗蘭克約會感到難為情。
4 . Try not to be so timid when you speak.你講話的時候不要那麼緊張。
5 . That important man is very unassuming in his manner.那個要人彬彬有禮,是一位毫不擺架子的人。
6 . Dick is very modest about his accomplishments.迪克對自己的業績非常謙虛。
7 . I won't embarrass you in front of your friends.我不會在你的朋友面前使你丟醜。
8 . There is a natural coyness about her behavior.她的舉止令人有種自然的羞答答的感覺。
9 . The timid child would not leave his mother's side.那個膽小的孩子不願離開母親。