1 . She was disappointed by what Lawrence said.她對勞倫斯說的話感到失望。
2 . Often, when it rains, Marty feels blue.一下雨,瑪琪就會變得憂鬱。
3 . Pat began to feel unhappy about what he had done.帕特開始對自己所做的事感到悲傷。
4 . Michael immediately burst into tears.麥克爾「哇」的一下子哭了出來。
5 . Alone, he brooded over his mistake.她常常獨自沉思自己的過失。
6 . The coach is always gloomy when the team loses a game.球隊一輸球,教練總要繃起臉來。
7 . He won't be distressed by my absence.即使我不在,他也不會悲傷痛苦的。
8 . They cannot help but be grieved by the death of a friend.眼見朋友死亡,自己卻無能為力,他們感到深深的悲哀。
9 . I had never seen a grown man break down and cry.我從未曾看到過一個這麼強壯的漢子痛哭失聲。