Unit 17 My teacher
1 . Here was a seven-year-old girl who at the age of 19 months had become deaf and blind.一個7歲的女孩,出生19個月後就得了聾盲症。
2 . Annie was born in a poor family, on April 4th, 1866.1866年4月4日,安妮出生在一個貧苦家庭中。
3 . There she studied the teaching of deafblind children.在那裡,她學習聾盲兒童的教學工作。
4 . But this was before Annie Sullivan came to stay.但是,這都是安妮·莎利文來住下之前的事了。
5 . To Annie I owe thanks for this priceless gift of speech.可安妮給我這份無價的說話禮物,我對她感激不盡。
6 . She herself read them to me by spelling into my hand what was written in the book.她親自通過在我手上拼寫書中的內容,把課本對我讀出來。
7 . And she encouraged me when I made up my mind to go to college.我下決心上大學時,她則給我予鼓勵。
8 . It has helped me to serve others.這份禮物幫助我為他人服務。
9 . The words so full of meaning - flew from her hand to mine.這些詞--意思如此豐富--從她的手流到了我的手。
10 . It was the first joy I had known for years.我豁然開朗了。這是我多年來第一次感到高興的事了。
11 . One day she came into my room laughing happily.有一天,她開心地笑著來到我的房間。
12 . Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to jump.接著,她又拉著我的手,教我如何跳。
13 . Through my hands and fingers, I heard the sounds that one hears on a farm, the noises made by cows, horses, chickens and pigs.通過手和手指,我聽到了人們通常在農場所聽到的聲音--即牛、馬、雞、豬等叫出的聲音。
14 . Later, an operation helped her to get back part of her sight, but she remained at the institution for six years more.後來,一次手術幫助她恢復了部分視力。但是,她在這所學校又呆了6年。
15 . Who could count the times Annie tried, failed, and then succeeded?誰能數得清安妮嘗試、失敗直至最後成功的次數?
16 . Two years later, her father disappeared, never to be heard from again.兩年後,她父親失蹤了,從此再無音訊。
17 . My speech was ill-form and not pleasant to hear.我的言語變調走樣,很不好聽。
18 . She spelled out for me the things that the teachers taught.教師所教的東西,她都為我拼寫出來。
19 . My teacher's gifted instruction lived on after her death.我的教師逝世後,她寶貴的教誨仍繼續長存。
20 . Each time you fail, start all over again.每次你失敗,再從頭開始。
21 . I must always keep on trying to do my best.我必須始終繼續作出最大的努力。
22 . This is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper.布萊葉盲文是一種印刷字體,盲人通過摸印在紙上起的點點來讀書。
23 . What a great teacher!多麼高尚的老師!
24 . But I was delighted to be able to say words that my family and a few friends could understand.是,我卻感到欣喜,能夠說出我家裡人和一些朋友可以理解的詞語。
25 . She then immediately spelled the word j-u-m-p for me.緊接著,她又為我拼寫j-u-m-p這個單詞。
26 . Those first words were to change my world.我最先學會的這些單詞改變了我的生活天地。
27 . Struggling in a world of silence and darkness, I must have appeared to them to be simple.在寂靜無聲、漆黑一片世界裡掙扎,在他們看來,我一定是頭腦簡單了。
28 . Before Annie Sullivan came to our house, one or two people had told my mother that I was simple-minded.安妮·莎利文來到我們家之前,已有一兩個人告訴我母親,說我頭腦簡單。
29 . Her mother died when she was eight years old.她8歲時母親就去世了。
30 . Annie was among the first to realize that blind people never know their hidden strength until they are treated like normal human beings.盲人只有受到同正常人一樣的待遇時,才能知道自己蘊藏的力量,安妮就是其中一位最先有此種認識的人。
31 . In a few days I was learning and enjoying it like any child.幾天之後,我像一個孩子那樣學習起來--而且學得很開心。
32 . I can understand why.其原因我能理解。
33 . She also brought me into touch with everything that could be felt--- soil, wood, silk. As I look back upon those years, I am struck by Annie's wisdom.她還使我接觸到一切可以觸摸到的東西--土壤、木頭、絲綢等。
34 . She never pitied me; she never praised me unless what I did was as good as that of the best of a normal person.她從不憐憫我,她也從不表揚我,除非我所做的事像正常人幹的那樣出色。
35 . A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.她是一個天的教師,認為自己可以把一個聾盲人變成一個有用的人。
36 . One day a letter from my father arrived at the school, asking for a teacher for me.有一天,我父親的信寄到學校,請求為我聘用一名教師。
37 . That is how Annie came to be with us.這就是安妮和我們在一起的緣由。
38 . You will grow stronger each time, until you can do and finish what you started out to do.每次你會變得更堅強,直至你完成你著手進行的事情。
39 . No matter what happens, she often said, keep on beginning.無論發生什麼事,"她常說,不斷從頭開始。
40 . Putting my hand on her face, she spelled l-a-u-g-h.她將我的手在她的面部,就拼寫l-a-u-g-h。
41 . Together we repeated and repeated words and sentences.我們一道反反覆覆地說詞語和句子。
42 . And because I was deaf, I could not learn to speak.因為我耳聾,我不能學說話。
43 . She understood I was begging for new words, for the names of the things I touched.她懂得我是在求她教新單詞--我所觸摸的東西的名稱。
44 . I had not laughed since I became deaf.我耳聾後就從來沒有笑過。
45 . Putting both my hands on her face when she spoke, she let me feel all the movements of her lips and throat.她說話時,把我的兩隻手放在她的臉上,讓我撫摸她嘴唇和喉頭的活動情況。
46 . One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.安妮首先要做的事情之一,就是教我如何耍。
47 . And, because most books were not printed in Braille.因為大多數的書本沒用布萊葉文印刷。
48 . I reached out to Annie's hand.我把手伸向安妮的手。
49 . Four years later, she left the children's home and entered an institution for the blind, where she learnt braille.4年之後,她離開孤兒院,進入一盲人學校,學習布萊葉盲文。
50 . Then she touched me lightly on my arm and made me burst into laughter.然後她輕輕地觸摸我的手臂,使我哈哈大笑。