A Big Fish in a Little Pond(小池塘裏的大魚) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語A Big Fish in a Little Pond(小池塘裏的大魚) ACT I對白,A Big Fish in a Little Pond(小池塘裏的大魚) ACT I英文怎麽說



A Big Fish in a Little Pond(小池塘裏的大魚) ACT I用英語怎麽說


A Big Fish in a Little Pond(小池塘裏的大魚) ACT I

1 . Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans,是的, 我想看看。換回你的牛仔褲,

2 . Yes, but it would mean that we'd have to move to L.A.是的。但這意味著我們必須搬到Los Angeles。

3 . Well ...? Could we ask for anything more?嗯…… 我們還有什麼可求的嗎?

4 . I really like this one Susan. Do you?Susan我真的很喜歡這一件,你呢?

5 . when it's very cold out.冬天外面很冷的時候。

6 . until I have a chance to talk with you about it.除非我有機會跟你談過。

7 . He has a big sales office in Los Angeles,他在Los Angeles有一個大的銷售辦事處,

8 . Well, there's a lot to think about.噢 有許多事需要考慮。

9 . If it's a good job,假如它是個好工作

10 . We're very lucky, the three of us ...我們非常幸運, 我們三個……

11 . I look silly! It is too small!我看來很滑稽 ,它太小了!

12 . Well, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Harry?好了, 你要不要告訴我你在想什麼, Harry?

13 . This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime這一件夾克就很受用

14 . my career opportunities in Los Angeles.我在Los Angeles的事業機會。

15 . I'm sure the store has others.我相信那家店一定還有其它的尺寸。

16 . You're growing so fast, Michelle.長得太快了, Michelle。

17 . Susan, I don't plan to make any decisions Susan我不打算做決定

18 . I like the color. She looks good in blue.我喜歡這顏色。她穿藍色的很好看。

19 . I love her very much. She's been a joy.我很愛她。她是個討人喜歡的孩子。

20 . If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us.假如它是個好工作, 我們就順水推舟。

21 . I like blue, too, Daddy.我也喜歡藍色的, 爸爸。

22 . I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go.我知道。假如我們決定去的話, 也會影響到你和你的工作。

23 . then I've got to do some thinking about那麼我就必須考慮考慮

24 . Is everything all right?一切都好嗎?

25 . It doesn't need any alterations. We must've bought the right size.不需作任何修改。我們一定是買對了尺寸。

26 . What did you mean by well ...?你說 嗯…… 的意思是什麼?

27 . Can I take it off? I'm hot!我可以脫掉嗎?我好熱!

28 . It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle.這套衣服每天都可以穿。它適合上學時穿, Michelle。

29 . Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married.自從我們結婚之後, Michelle變成另一個人了。

30 . They know that I'm married and that I have a family.他們知道我結婚了, 有一個家。

31 . I like it a lot. It fits well.我非常喜歡。它很合身。

32 . the one that Daddy wanted you to wear.爸爸要你穿的那一套。

33 . Looks like we should've bought a bigger one.看來我們應該買一件大些的。

34 . I guess we'll have to exchange it, too.我想我們還得去換一件。

35 . I have a client in the garment business, on Seventh Avenue.我有個客戶在Seventh Avenue從事成衣生意。

36 . I have been offered a job with a major accounting company有一家大會計公司提供我一個工作

37 . that does his major accounting work承辦他主要會計工作的那家公司

38 . Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los Angeles這可是個大決定。

39 . I like it, too. I always like skirts that go like this.我也喜歡它。我一直喜歡能像這樣飄動的裙子。

40 . Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry.喔, 當然會。但首先告訴我是什麼樣的工作, Harry。

41 . when I said we couldn't ask for anything more.在我說我們再沒什麼可求的了的時候。

42 . Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle--試試上衣和裙子的那一套吧, Michelle。

43 . and put on the new winter jacket we bought today.也把我們今天買的冬季夾克穿上。

44 . Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later.當然。將它放回你的房間裡, 過一會兒我們來一件件掛起來。

45 . We couldn't ask for anything more, could we?我們再沒什麼可求的了, 對嗎?

46 . The real discussion comes tomorrow.明天才會正式商談。

47 . Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it.轉過去一下, Michelle。讓我看看它的背面。

48 . But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size.但它也有點小了。我們一定買錯了尺寸。

49 . What about the salary?薪水怎麼樣?

50 . And I don't have to make a quick decision.而且我也不需很快下決定。

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