1 . Alice did not look at the students.愛麗斯沒有看到學生。
2 . From across the room, David cast a glance at his brother.隔著房間,大衛瞥了一下弟弟。
3 . Their angry glare frightened the women.他們因憤怒而瞪大了眼睛,使那婦人嚇壞了。
4 . I like to gaze at the setting sun in the evening.我喜歡在傍晚觀賞晚霞。
5 . We can see the train station from our house.從我們的屋子可以看到火車站。
6 . The short boy tried to peer over the desktop.矮個子的男孩掙扎著要看到桌子的上面(有什麼)。
7 . The audience stared the acrobats in great wonder.觀眾以驚異的眼光注視著雜技演員。
8 . She has gone to take a look at the art gallery.她為了參觀美術品陳列館而出去了。
9 . She gaped in surprise when Robert arrived.當羅伯特來的時候,她吃驚得長大嘴巴呆住了。