甜言蜜語 - 額外成就感(六)
1 . He owes his success more to luck than to ability.他認為他的成功是靠運氣而不是靠自己的能力。
2 . I have always envied your good luck.我一直羨慕你的運氣好。
3 . I don't envy him his money problems.我慶幸自己沒有他那些金錢的煩惱。
4 . The policemen could not cope with the crowds.警察不能對付群眾。
5 . She owes her good health to her regular life.她把健康歸功於規律的生活。
6 . The work is coming along quite well.工作進展得相當順利。
7 . There was too much work for our computer to cope with.我們的計算機要做的工作太多,簡直應接不暇。
8 . I owe what I am to my uncle.我能有今天要感謝我的伯父。
9 . How I envy you.我真是羨慕你。
10 . He owes his wealth to diligence and good luck.他的財富是由於他的勤勞和幸運。
11 . How's your English coming along?你英語學得怎樣了?