甜言蜜語 - 使你無往不利無堅不摧(四)
1 . I wish I had your will power.但願我有你的意志力。
2 . I owe my success to my Mom.我的成功歸功於母親。
3 . That's a good buy.那買得便宜。
4 . You are a walking dictionary.你是活字典。
5 . I envy you for your ability to cope with the situation.我羨慕你有能力應付這種情況。
6 . You have an eye for beauty.你有審美的眼光。
7 . I admire you for sticking to your plans.我佩服你能堅持你的計劃。
8 . You are coming along well.你進展得很好。
9 . You always know the right thing to say.你說話得體。
10 . He has an old head on young shoulders.他年輕又有見識。
11 . He is quick-witted.他反應靈敏。