Full of Surprises(意外驚喜) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語Full of Surprises(意外驚喜) ACT II對白,Full of Surprises(意外驚喜) ACT II英文怎麽說



Full of Surprises(意外驚喜) ACT II用英語怎麽說


Full of Surprises(意外驚喜) ACT II

1 . That's quite a difference from the directions that Pete sent me.這和Pete寄給我的路線指示完全不同。

2 . There we go ... will make twenty. Thanks.你看……加起來正好二十美元。謝謝了。

3 . This must be Pete's barn.這一定是Pete的糧倉了。

4 . It's on the house.這是免費的。

5 . Always full of surprises.總是出人意表。

6 . It's just over yonder.他的房子就在那邊。

7 . No, thanks.不用了, 謝謝。

8 . Same old Pete Waters.Pete Waters還是老樣子。

9 . I'm a friend of Pete's.我是Pete的朋友。

10 . Well, thanks.好的, 謝謝你。

11 . There's a shortcut--if you know it.假如你識路的話, 有一條近路可走。

12 . About fifteen minutes.大約十五分鐘吧。

13 . Then a right across a blue bridge,然後右轉, 經過一座藍色的橋。

14 . His house is on the left.他的房子就在左邊。

15 . I need a full tank.我要滿滿一箱油。

16 . Could you tell me how to use the shortcut?你能告訴我怎麼走這條近路嗎?

17 . And thanks for the directions.謝謝你給我指了路。

18 . I take the next left turn to the stop sign.我在下個路口左轉彎, 到一個停車再開標誌處,

19 . Hi. What can I do for you?嗨 。我能幫你嗎?

20 . Hi. Fill 'er up.嗨, 把油箱加滿。

21 . Then you'll see a big old red barn.然後你就會看到一座舊的紅色大糧倉。

22 . That's the back of Pete Waters's place.那就是Pete Waters住處的後面。

23 . till you get to the end of the fence.到柵欄的盡頭。

24 . Is this the Pete Waters farm?這是Pete Waters的農場嗎?

25 . Make a right at the stop sign.就在停車再開標誌那裡向右拐。

26 . I'm looking for the house.我正在找他的房子。

27 . and then a big red barn.然後就是一座大的紅色倉。

28 . Now, if you take that route, it's probably a lot simpler,哦, 假如你走這條路的話 ,可能會簡單得多,

29 . You'll see the chicken house.你會看到雞捨。

30 . OK. Let me repeat it.好吧。讓我重複一遍。

31 . Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge.沿著路開下去 ,你會經過一座藍色的橋。

32 . Check the hood?要不要檢查一下機件?

33 . No, I don't.不 ,我不識路。

34 . How much do I owe you?我應付你多少錢?

35 . You'll see a stop sign.會看到有個停車再開標 。

36 . Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents.嗯 ,十八美元七毛。

37 . How long is it going to take for me to get there?到那裡還需要多久時間

38 . Well, here's a twenty.嗯 ,這是二十美元。

39 . but it'll take you ten minutes longer.但會多花你十分鐘的時間。

40 . Pete Waters's farm, near Chesterton.Pete Waters的農場 ,在Chesterton附近。

41 . No charge for the cleanup.清洗不用付費。

42 . Turn right to the house.向右拐就到他的房子了。

43 . Ah. OK. That's a dollar and thirty cents change.啊 ,好啦。這是一美元三毛零錢。

44 . Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. Pete Waters住在這兒差不多跟我一樣久了。

45 . I know it well.我對它熟得很。

46 . Hello. What can I do for you?你好。我能為你做點什麼嗎?

47 . Keep along this road沿著這條路

48 . Back soon with a surprise.接一個驚喜即回。

49 . Sure. You take the next left turn.當然。你在下一個路口左轉。

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