基礎口語 1700 句
第 5 部分
1 . Did you go to the zoo this morning?你今早去動物園了嗎?
2 . Did you see him yourself?你自己親自看到他嗎?
3 . Did you hurt yourself?你自己割傷的?
4 . Did you make dessert yourself?你自己親自做甜點?
5 . Did you repair this yourself?你自己親自修理這個?
6 . Did you make bean milk yourself?你自己親自做豆奶?
7 . Did you go to the theater this morning?你今早去戲院了嗎?
8 . Did you phone him yourself?你自己親自打電話給他嗎?
9 . Did you make sesame cakes yourself?你自己親自做燒餅?
10 . Did you paint this yourself?你自己親自油漆這個?