1 . Was there a problem.出了什麼問題嗎?
2 . Good, we've been waiting a long time.好,我們已經等好久啦。
3 . We'll have to cancel if we don't get that order soon.如果不能很快拿到貨,我們只有取消啦。
4 . We'd like you to change shippers for the next order.下次的貨我們希望換一家運輸公司。
5 . We'll find someone else for you.我們會為你另找一家。
6 . You'll have it tomorrow at the latest.最晚明天就能拿到了。
7 . It makes it easier for us when we get the order on the dock.這樣我們在碼頭提貨時比較方便。
8 . I'll take care of it for you.這事我會注意的。
9 . It's already in transit.已經在運輸中了。
10 . There was a lot of damage in transit.很多貨在運送途中損壞了。