1 . When does the next train leave for New York?到紐約的下一趟火車什麼時候開車?
2 . Will dinner be served on this train?火車上供飯嗎?
3 . I want to buy a sleeper ticket to New York.我想買張到紐約的臥鋪票。
4 . Where's the ticket counter?售票處在哪兒?
5 . Are the bathrooms on this train clean?火車上的衛生間乾淨嗎?
6 . Is smoking allowed on the train?火車上允許吸煙嗎?
7 . Excuse me, I can't seem to find my seat. Can you help me?不好意思,我好像找不到我的座位了。您能幫幫我嗎?
8 . Where do I board my train?我的座位在哪兒?
9 . How many stops will the train make on the way?路上火車停幾站?
10 . How much does a return ticket cost?返程票多少錢?